
Welcome to John Dabell’s blog site.

On this site you will find my thoughts on the experience of having cancer, specifically in my case incurable Stage IV head and neck cancer.

You will also find blogs on here that aren’t cancer-related. These are thoughts, ideas, resources, reviews, and commentary relating to the art, alchemy and craft of teaching, learning and assessment (stuff I used to write when I worked as a teacher ‘BC’, Before Cancer).

Who am I?

First and foremost, an incurable optimist. In my position, you have to be!

I’m also a hoister of happiness, a mental health philanthropist, walk-aholic, fresh-air fiend, card-carrying nosey parker, Womble and threshold adventurer. I’m my own disability activist too.

Every day really is a school day and remember…..

The difference between a worrier and a warrior is just a couple of vowels.

Find me on Twitter @John_Dabell

Yours truly,

John Dabell Inc.



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