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Affirmations Jar

How can we boost children’s self-esteem?

Children need to be reminded just how good they are. Remember, every child needs a champion.

But children also have to champion themselves and learn to appreciate their qualities as human beings. They need to know that it’s important to work on positive self-affirmations as a way to help ourselves and believe in ourselves. It’s great to have the support of others but ultimately we have to support No.1 and adopt a positive mindset.

Children need lots of opportunities to develop their positive self-talk, build their positive mind muscles so that you’re strong enough emotionally for when they need it the most.

One way to build their characters is to have them make Affirmation Jars. I’ve seen these in classes before and I’ve had classes who have made them.

They are very easy to set-up:

  1. Find a jar with a lid that is large enough to fit your fingers inside.
  2. Children can decorate the lids and persnoalise them a photo, picture or message.
  3. Add a large sticky label to the side of the jar saying: MY JAR OF POSITIVE’  or similar, e.g. My Jar of Inspiration, My Jar of Happiness, etc
  4. Get children to start collecting positive sayings, affirmations, phrases, adjectives, experiences inside the jar.

This is one way to do it anyway. I got the idea from those marvellous people at The Tree of Knowledge and they happen to know one or two things about positive thinking.

Of course, it isn’t just children we should be focusing on either – we need to be doing the same and making some pots of joy.

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