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Girls do better than boys – 78.4% of girls attained a good level of development, compared with 65% of boys. The gender gap is decreasing, but very slowly, from 13.7 percentage points last year, to 13.5 percentage points this year.

Hackney is the only local authority in the country where there is no early learning gap at all. Across the country two in five (43%) of all poor children are struggling with basic skills at age five, compared to just over a quarter (26%) of their better-off classmates – a national early learning gap of 17 percentage points.

Save the Children’s report, It All Starts Here, draws on 368 survey responses and 51 phone interviews with the early years sector, including early years teachers, course leaders for the EYT programme, academics, and members of the wider early years workforce.

I suggest today we need a revolution in funding, a revolution in how we give status to our teachers, a revolution in the application of technology to education, and a revolution delivering particularly in the most difficult places in the world.

He said that a “revolution in willpower” was also required.

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